Saturday, March 31, 2012

Palm Sunday - resourcefulness at sea

We attend the Anglican interfaith service on Palm Sunday. Of course, it is not a communion service. No hymnals - but the words to the hymns are there, so we can sing at appropriate times. We offer prayers for all the folks at home. The service ends with “God Save the Queen.” We finish the service at 11:00 AM - it is just after midnight, the morning of Palm Sunday in the States. Father Harvey can still get a few hours of sleep before the early service in Silver Spring.

Last night the ship’s bulletin featured an “important notice: bunkering operation.” Apparently, on the 24th of March in Singapore, the ship took delivery of thousands of tons of contaminated heavy fuel oil. The fuel is unusable for the ship’s diesel electric motors, and until we reach Mumbai they will need to use the ship’s Gas Turbines. Since these powerful auxiliary motors are normally only used to supplement the ship’s power, the ship carries only a limited supply of fuel for these engines. Fortunately, due to their ecologically sound design, a variety of household and everyday items can be potential fuel sources. The most effective of these is lotic gas, produced by the burning of sun tan lotion. The ship has asked for help. A receptacle  has been placed on deck 1, in the grand lobby. The hope is that everyone will donate a squirt of suntan lotion. The ship calculates that if enough lotion is donated, they will be able to supplement the available fuel, and reach Mumbai on time.

Jean and I have made our contribution to the cause. God willing, and with support from the rest of the passengers, we’ll reach Mumbai tomorrow on time. We wish you all a blessed, and restful Palm Sunday on this April 1st.

1 comment:

  1. You suckered me but as I read your letter to Steve he said "April fool's day" before I reached the end. Hmmm...
