Saturday, March 31, 2012

Piracy prevention and protection

While it is unlikely that the Queen Elizabeth could be captured by pirates, there is no complacency on board ship. A week ago, Sumner heard an announcement in the hallways at 2:30 AM, “team to the Galley.” Apparently, a small craft was detected, and a security team was sent to investigate. The back of the ship, on the promenade deck was cordoned off in the morning. There are sonic devices which can be deployed which create an uncomfortable feeling in the ear - to discourage approach to the ship.

As of midnight, last night, we are technically in waters where pirate activity is a threat. After sunset, the ship will go dark. We are to have our cabin windows draped, and use only the lights that are necessary. The windows in the restaurants and salons on the main decks will have curtains drawn. The promenade deck will be closed after sunset, and most external lights on the ship will be extinguished. We have a liaison officer on board from the Royal Navy, part of the taskforce defending shipping in this area. We have armed security officers as well, though I have not seen them yet. We have been promised a security briefing from these officers on board, but Jean and I will probably be on our way to Agra by then.

 We have already had a drill on board for the staff and passengers. On signal, passengers are to return to their cabins, close any drapes that are open, and then move chairs into the halls, where they are to stay until the all clear is sounded. The concern is that pirates might take random shots at the ship. Many of the cabins have balconies with glass doors, and large windows. Being hit by shattered glass (or the stray bullet), could ruin one’s evening.

It is now the morning of March 31st, and we arrived in Cochin, India, at 10:30 AM local time. The immigration inspection is underway.  It is being conducted by floor, so we are not due to queue up for our inspection for an hour and a half. After that, we hope to be on our way for a tour of the city.

1 comment:

  1. It is an amazing reality that the world at sea has to deal with real pirates who are not Johnny Depp (eye makeup and all). It has to add a little excitment but thankfully nothing else.

    We loved Cochin! I hope you take the river or canal tours through the banana plantations. It was a beautiful trip. The fishing boats and their incredible nets are a sight to behold."Jew town" is another amazing place. Enjoy it all. Can't wait to hear your impressions.

    Love, Jane
